Ministry to State - Montana is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and exists as a means to minister to those serving in the Montana state government through prayer, discipleship, and evangelism.
Expose those in the government community to the transforming truths of the gospel through healthy relationships.
Provide encouragement and support in the development of a Biblical world and life view for those in government who make a profession of faith.
Strive to be instrumental in establishing and maintaining a Biblical conscience throughout the government community who both create and implement policy.
Provide a healthy means to connect the church in a non-partisan manner with those in government.
Promote and facilitate specific and intelligent prayer by the body of Christ for those serving in government.

Rev. Steve Bostrom
Email Steve | Call: 406.461.8529
In 2006, Steve and Via moved to Helena, MT, to start a church. They closed that church in 2011. God had a different agenda. As pastor-at-large in Helen since 2011, Steve has ministered in a variety of contexts. Since 2014, one of those has been to elected officials through Ministry to State.
When the Montana Legislature is in session, Steve helps lead a weekly 6:30 AM Bible study for legislators and staff. And, he’s at the Capitol to provide prayer support at committee meetings as well as in the gallery at the stated meetings of the Senate and the House of Representatives. During the session, he and his wife have legislators and their family members, if they are in town, over for a meal and prayer.
Every day for the last eight years, Steve has received an email prayer request for six Montana government leaders. After praying for them, Steve sends many of the legislators an email letting them know how he prayed for them that day. About once a month the prayer cycle starts again. This regular practice has opened many doors on both sides of the aisle.