Mission & Values
Ministering to those who serve in government
We provide pastoral care, events, and resources to public servants learning to follow Christ in Washington D.C., State Capitols, and Internationally.
Our Mission
Expose those in the government community to the transforming truths of the gospel through healthy relationships.
Provide encouragement and support in the development of a Biblical world and life view for those in government who make a profession of faith.
Strive to be instrumental in establishing and maintaining a Biblical conscience throughout the government community who both create and implement policy.
Provide a healthy means to connect the church in a non-partisan manner with those in government.
Promote and facilitate specific and intelligent prayer by the body of Christ for those serving in government.
Our Values
We provide spiritual care to those in government regardless of their political affiliations and believe that Christians can in good faith come to diverse perspectives on policy issues.
Respectful Engagement
In an age when it is easy to talk down to one another, we seek to treat each person with honor and respect. While we hold to our faith with deep conviction, we also seek to talk about faith and religion thoughtfully and respectfully.
Ministry to State provides the opportunity for Democrats and Republicans to gather together, form friendships, and to develop positive relationships. We prioritize people over policy.
We seek to humbly serve our political leaders with compassion and understanding, recognizing the unique and complex challenges that they face. We do not pretend to be policy experts or to have all the answers, but we do strive to create space to listen to one another and to prayerfully consider God's call.
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